To do
two things at once is to do neither.
—Publilius Syrus, Roman slave, 1st century
Multitasking is merely rapid
attention shifting. You are never, ever really doing more than one thing at a time.
You’re just doing them in rapidly churning microbursts so that at the end of the day you’ve made
incremental progress on a whole bunch of things and not finished anything. In
case you haven’t noticed, this is not an effective strategy.
The research supports this
assertion: Earl Miller, MIT neuroscientist,
says “When people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching
from one task to another very rapidly. And every time they do, there’s a
cognitive cost in doing so.”
Multitasking by all accounts
is counterproductive – you think you are doing more but in actuality you are
doing less. It reduces performance, it increases stress, it reduces our ability
to focus, it makes us dumber and the
list goes on. In other words, multitasking is actually a waste of time.
Many lawyers have seemingly actually lost the ability to focus relentlessly on one task until it is completed. This is terrible news
because our brains are basically hardwired to do just one thing at a time. We
are very good at one thing at a time, bad at two as the aforementioned links
articulate so well. If we lose that “one thing at a time”
ability we are really in a bad spot. Screwed basically. And many of us are getting screwed.
Enter mindfulness
If mindfulness does nothing
else (though it does(!)), it teaches you how to focus. Focus better than you ever
have or at least get back whatever focus you’ve lost to whatever personal “Facebook,
Twitter, work email, Tinder, text message, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Instagram hell”
you’ve created for yourself.
Mindfulness is the complete opposite of
multitasking. Mindfulness is a calm, deliberate focus on one thing - maintained for ten
minutes. Every day. It is simplicity itself.
Ten minutes of mental "non-exercise" that will make
you more productive, calmer and focused - ready to knock off those all those after the other!
Thanks for reading.